20 more pounds

I’ve now officially released more than 260lbs as of 5/14/23. This last 20 pounds was released by restricting my calorie intake by another 1000 calories, so my intake was averaging around 2200/day. I seem to feel fine, my energy levels are okay. I had been doing this for about two months in a very disciplined way. No extra eating, all my meals were cut in half or cooked entirely by me (I experimented with curry chili, and it’s not bad!). For a few weeks I ate vegetarian just to try it. I don’t think I like it that much unless I incorporate potatoes. Not having any meat based protein feels less satiating. I’m used to more resistance when I eat foods I think?

I also need to finally launch this website. My therapist thinks I’m being too cautious but I don’t want my passion to end up turning into something I don’t enjoy anymore, so I’ve been reluctant to put this out there to the tune of nearly four months while making small edits here and there. I guess I could just toss everything I’ve written at an AI, but that seems disingenuous. I started this site before AI was begin used a lot, and I’d like to keep my brain as the main engine this site’s content is derived from.

Either way, I’m still making progress, and that’s giving me confidence. People are also saying things to me like “you look great, I can really tell”. It’s a little dangerous. My worth is not quantified solely by the weight I’ve released, but it’s also an accomplishment I’m proud of, so I’m trying to temper my pride with continued, focused, direction. Hopefully I can keep my hand on the stick while we’re flying through the canyons so to speak.


Shifting realities


Chasing insanity.