Practice tolerance with others, and with yourself. People also have inadequacies, challenges, and behavioral patterns they struggle with just like you. Genuinely listen to people and make several attempts to find common ground.

Be tolerant with yourself as you continue to learn, encounter challenges, feel emotions, make mistakes, and gain life experience.


Practice benevolence with others, and with yourself. If we want to make real progress, we have to team up. It’s easier to pull that off when we give people room to make mistakes. This includes treating yourself to that same kind of room. Mistakes breed refinement if you take the time to thoughtfully analyze them outside of your own pride.

Lifting up others and yourself, instead of knocking them and yourself down, will help you earn respect.


Engaging in disciplines you’ve personally chosen will make you feel better and bolster your confidence. Choosing to turn disciplined behavior into habitual behavior is the payoff we all try to maintain. It’s the key to enriching your life and protecting yourself.

If you practice tolerance and benevolence there are people who will see those qualities on display and target you as their prey. Choosing to learn more about the behaviors you have in common with the rest of humanity, as well as developing a healthy relationship with a therapist, or even a really good friend to confide in, will go a long way towards protecting yourself not only from those that would seek to victimize you, but from unwanted behaviors you may not realize you’re slipping into again.