i am not a qualified health provider

I am not a qualified health provider. There’s a blurb at the bottom of this site on every page (including this one) that states as much.

If you find something on this site that you want to try, my advice would be to do what I did and have a discussion with a qualified health provider so you can do it safely. Even if you’re a qualified health provider, discuss it with another qualified health provider, because I am not a qualified health provider.

If you’re still not convinced, then look at it this way. If you wanted to overhaul the engine on your car, most of us wouldn’t do that alone because we don’t know how to, and that’s also a very expensive piece of equipment we require to live. So we take our cars to a mechanic who can overhaul that engine properly. Your body is your life’s vehicle, and you can’t trade it in or get a new one, so it would probably be best to make sure there’s someone around that’s been trained to recognize and treat issues you don’t know how to recognize or treat.